Find your Dembeyan Name
Family names
In Dembeyan naming conventions, the “last name,” or family name, goes first.
Discover your family name using the chart below. You’ll put the two pieces together as one name. For example, Yam + beze becomes Yambeze (yam-BEY-zey)
Birth Month
January: Nwam-
February: Iz-
March: Yam-
April: Kor-
May: Mub-
June: Mak-
July: Um-
August: Ag-
September: Uz-
October: Ol-
November: Ob-
December: Iben-
Male names
A-C: Obuk
D-F: Izoma
G-I: Ogbe
J-L: Koruba
M-O: Kwajire
Q-S: Jamuike
T-V: Ayoola
W-X: Hassan
Y-Z: Chelu
Birth Day
1-3: -adika
4-6: -oma
7-9: -alu
10-12: -osu
13-15: -oye
16-18: -abu
19-21: -ankwo
22-24: -igwe
25-27: -beze
28-31: -joku
Given names
Use the first letter of your first name to find your Dembeyan moniker, or pick and choose bits of each to invent your own !
Female names
A-C: Bwirah
D-F: Gwijire
G-I: Ombe
J-L: Agwe
M-O: Akozi
Q-S: Ashana
T-V: Edara
W-X: Chioma
Y-Z: Inoma
More about the Dembeyans
Species: Human
Location: Earthen cities throughout the Western Woods
Physical characteristics: Ebony skin, dark eyes, dark textured hair.
Overview: The Dembeyans are Vindor’s scholars, proficient in science, mathematics, history, agriculture, astronomy, and more. Their empire’s earthen cities are Vindor’s most culturally advanced.