Announcing World of Vindor Spelunking Tours!

Do you wish you could explore an underground world like the one featured in Crack the Stone?

Would you like the chance to stumble into an amethyst cache, a bat colony, or an icy subterranean river?

Have you always wanted to get stranded in total darkness with a broken limb??

Well, follow me and you can!

Relive all your favorite moments from Valshara’s adventures with WORLD OF VINDOR SPELUNKING TOURS!

Now, I may not have any training in cave safety, but I HAVE done Google research and watched some documentaries.

A guided adventure with me will be sure to get you into ALL SORTS of trouble. Pack your cave exploration bag with … you know, cave exploration stuff.

A flashlight and first aid kit will probably be smart. And … water? Yeah, water.

We’ll figure it out.


Please note that due to this being an absolutely terrible idea, this offer is not valid anywhere at any time. Do not attempt caving without an experienced professional. Definitely do not attempt caving with Emily Golus. In fact, the safest thing to do is just to stay in your living room and experience the dangers of cave exploration vicariously by reading Crack the Stone.

Happy April 1st, all, and stay safe!


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